Claire is a former hitchhiker who ran away from home at 17, got pregnant at 19, while she is unemployed. She is living with her panhandling fiancé, Joe, in a small Ypsilanti apartment with their part wolf, chow, golden retriever, German Shepard. They consider themselves to be part of the homeless community of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti area even though they are not technically homeless anymore. They are extremely affectionate with each other and their friends that surround them. Claire and Joe have been together for nearly a year and a half and are in love as they get through every day with positivity and hope. This is the life they chose.
It was so incredible to finally meet the baby inside Claire who I documented for months. I was able to visit Claire, her boyfriend Joe and their son, Kieran, at St. Joe's Hospital the day after Kieran was born on which was on February 9th. I photographed Claire ordering lunch, and singing to Kieran while breastfeeding him in their beautiful hospital room her father paid for.